Rapiro Forum

Ask questions and share your thoughts about Rapiro.

This website was originally operationg as a forum, which has been converted into a static site. /

.bashrc aliases?

Has anyone tried breaking down the sudo minicom code for the rapiro into bash aliases yet? Especially the single-servo-movement-specific ...
0 comments posted by mgudesblatart on 2016-01-20 21:51

First part of a 3 part Rapiro blog

Hi, I just published the first part of a series of blog-posts dealing with Rapiro especially with an Edison inside. - First part is abo...
1 comments posted by christofer.dutz comment from luzhuomi on 2016-01-16 18:32

How to setup 18650 batteries on you rapiro battery box

It's very easy to setup 2 18650 batteres into your rapiro battery box, even without any soldering. See my Setup . 1. Like Image1 : Just ...
1 comments posted by tommywu052 comment from mgudesblatart on 2016-01-12 01:37

Rapiro Arduino Online Simulation

Hi, as I wanted to create a new Firmware for Rapiro that suits my special needs, I created a simulation of Rapiro at 123D circuits ... t...
0 comments posted by christofer.dutz on 2016-01-06 01:10

Setting up communication between my Edison and Rapiro

Hi, I have managed to setup my Rapiro almost instantly (I Have to say that you created a really great product and even greater documenta...
1 comments posted by christofer.dutz comment from christofer.dutz on 2015-12-24 22:07

Error Message

I am getting an error message when I import the sketch to Arduino and try to upload it. Below is the error message that I get: Arduino:...
3 comments posted by Ghost comment from christofer.dutz on 2015-12-24 20:08

How to add motion to Rapiro ?

Sample Arduino Code was explain the basic motion #M0-M9 . I want to more motion to Rapiro but , I don't know how ...
5 comments posted by sadatoshi.hanazato comment from tommywu052 on 2015-12-10 21:05

Initial Adjustment: Things to check if you're having problems!

ONE! If you just bought rechargeable batteries, you need to charge them. Many rechargeable batteries come in a discharged state. It may s...
0 comments posted by SaraMathews on 2015-08-09 09:07


 RapiroにRaspberry pi2、カメラモジュール、WiFiドングル、オーディオ変換アダプタPLANEX  PL-US35AP を接続しており、これまで数か月は問題なく動作していたのですが、つい先日動作しなくなりました。症状としては、電源を入れても(バッテリ、AC...
0 comments posted by hajimegan on 2015-07-19 14:18


1 comments posted by msag0410 comment from msag0410 on 2015-07-18 14:40

Losing the original user name

Dear forum moderator, After re-login using my google-oauth today, i discovered that I lost my original username which was also created u...
3 comments posted by luzhuomi comment from luzhuomi on 2015-06-09 20:39

Raspberry keeps rebooting with camera

Hi All, I am encountering a rebooting issue with a Raspberry Pi 2... Everything is fine until the camera streaming is activated. I used...
6 comments posted by HongGaoQiang comment from llacarte on 2015-06-02 17:03

Servos not aligning

Hi I just got a Rapiro and have been trying to align the servos. Everytime i plug the servos in and turn on the power, they make a stran...
0 comments posted by HongGaoQiang on 2015-05-18 23:55

Rapiro with Raspberry Pi 2

I just upgraded mine from Pi Model B to the Pi 2. It works like a charm. There was only one hiccup with the Edimax WiFi dongle. Other th...
5 comments posted by luzhuomi comment from luzhuomi on 2015-05-14 10:54


ラピロを組み立てて、スケッチファイルを転送したのですが、シリアルモニタからの指示に反応しません。シリアルモニタは57600bpsになっています。 電源を入れると、サーボモータが動きだして姿勢が変化します。 これは、初期位置がズレているため補正が必要だと思います。 スケッチ...
1 comments posted by ChinoArai comment from ChinoArai on 2015-05-13 23:05

Rapiro Led Color Functionality?

Hi, I have been using the test sketch of rapiro for a little while now and my rapiro functions fine. When I do the walk serial com...
3 comments posted by roboticsmaster comment from roboticsmaster on 2015-05-05 10:37

Assembled Rapiro for Sale

I have decided to sell my Rapiro. If interested check out my listings on Amazon or Ebay (brad-sylvester).
1 comments posted by brad98408 comment from luzhuomi on 2015-04-20 22:22

Humanoid and raspberry pi robot with camera available

There are already humanoid robots available in this price range that walk: http://futureware.tictail.com/
0 comments posted by twaron7 on 2015-04-18 15:42

Any plan for Rapiro 2?

I just saw the plen 2 is coming and am wondering whether there will be a Rapiro v2. Regards, Kenny
0 comments posted by luzhuomi on 2015-03-26 09:32

Rapiro Cannot move

I checked every single servo individually and they all work properly, I also put new battery into Rapiro. It just do not move, and keep m...
1 comments posted by sotomso comment from iamnotwhoyouthink on 2015-03-08 01:26