Rapiro Arduino Online Simulation


as I wanted to create a new Firmware for Rapiro that suits my special needs, I created a simulation of Rapiro at 123D circuits ... this allows users to debug existing firmware (and hereby learn what's going on inside) or write and debug own firmwares without risking Rapiro from breaking.

Thought I'd post this here so it might help someone else:

Four things however are different:
- I reduced the motions to: Stop, Forward, Backward, Left and Right and reduced the number of steps from 8 to 6 to free some memory.
- I simulated the IR Proximity Sensor with a Light Sensor,
- The analog port this is connected to is "A5" as the simulated Arduino didn't have an "A6" or "A7" which is used in Rapiro.
- The Serial interface is initialized with 9600baud as it didn't work with the default of 57600

So when finishing your firmware, you need to re-adjust these parts in order for the firmware to work.

posted by christofer.dutz on 2016-01-06 01:10

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