Rapiro Forum

Ask questions and share your thoughts about Rapiro.

This website was originally operationg as a forum, which has been converted into a static site. /

Arduino and Servo motor conncections

Hi. Can anyone tell me which digital pins on the arduino are mapped to the servo motors. Thanks
2 comments posted by adityakaushik00 comment from adityakaushik00 on 2014-04-04 23:50

Hand gripの動作について

ラピロの組み立てが完了、シリアルターミナルより#M0~#M9を送信したところ、両Hand grip のみ動作しません(#M5,#M7,#M9はHand gripが動作するコマンドだと思いますが?) 両Hand gripを除くその他の動作は正常です。 又、電源投入時にも両Ha...
3 comments posted by jirou.iwasa comment from shinichirou.saito on 2014-04-04 14:35

suggested extra

I want to buy the extra PSD distance sensors and speakers could you helo me with a link of these suggested products and where to buy?
9 comments posted by coerrace comment from ken.suzuki on 2014-03-31 17:02

Buzzing servos

Hej, Yay, I just assembled my Rapiro! Powering it on left me a little confused, since some servos (feet/waist) make buzzing sounds, thou...
3 comments posted by nih comment from nih on 2014-03-28 21:58

One of the large servos won't zero.

I found that one of the large servos I received won't zero properly. When power is applied it goes all the way to the stops (CCW). I have...
4 comments posted by brad98408 comment from ken.suzuki on 2014-03-24 18:46

RaPiRo with ROS?

Are there anyone who has thinking on getting ROS to work with RaPiRo? It would be cool to be able to get all work others has done with t...
0 comments posted by Jan.Blomqvist.Kinander on 2014-03-26 16:20

How to buy Rapiro part by part

I kickstarted Rapiro and I just received the Circuit Board, I wanted to know what is the model of servo motors and where to buy them. An...
3 comments posted by lynkhirosue comment from ken.suzuki on 2014-03-24 19:00

Rapiro Facial Recognition with Raspberry Pi

Quick basic tutorial on how to train your Rapiro http://garygfletcher.wordpress.com
2 comments posted by garygfletcher comment from garygfletcher on 2014-03-22 23:34

Getting Started - right after you assembled your RAPIRO

Hello everyone, I wanted to post a tutorial and or create a WIKI with what should be done one you assembled the Robot and uploaded the de...
14 comments posted by djakku comment from djakku on 2014-03-16 04:40

CGI Interface trial (Last update 20140322)

NetIO was handy but as the client application is not free, I tried to make an alternative. The result is a python based CGI script. Curre...
5 comments posted by lacarte comment from lacarte on 2014-03-21 22:15


https://github.com/Ishiwatari/RAPIRO/blob/master/RAPIRO_ver0_0/RAPIRO_ver0_0.ino のサンプルプログラムをコンパイルまではできました。 マイコンに書き込もうとした際、下記エラーがでます。 &l...
2 comments posted by shiftblank comment from shota.ishiwatari on 2014-03-20 01:18

Rapiro facial recognition with OpenCV and Raspberry Pi

I decided to have a go at doing something fun with my Rapiro this evening. So here are the steps I took and the script I put together fo...
0 comments posted by garygfletcher on 2014-03-18 00:35

A project to create NetIO UI for Rapiro

I'm trying to build an interaction UI includes movement as well as camera and voice related functions using NetIO, here is the project pa...
33 comments posted by lacarte comment from evilbluechicken on 2014-03-16 11:42

 Sony Dualshock 3 ゲームコントローラーでRAPIROを操作するためのサンプルプログラムのインストール手順について

お世話になります。  Sony Dualshock 3 ゲームコントローラーでRAPIROを操作するための以下のサンプルプログラム(Raspberry Pi用)についてインストール手順等ありましたらご教授いただきたく。 http://www.rapiro.com/ja/do...
4 comments posted by test1 comment from oga on 2014-03-11 21:41


サーボモータの位置座標について詳細を教えていただきたく。 1.サーボモータの回転が可能な左端から右端までを0~180度 2.サーボモータの回転可能な中止を0度とし 0±90度 3.上記2点とは別 サーボモータの原点出し後に組み立てると右手が前に触れない位置でとまります。 ...
2 comments posted by test1 comment from test1 on 2014-03-10 01:51


13 comments posted by lacarte comment from oga on 2014-03-07 23:44

Piのコンソール無効化を推奨します。(Recommend disable Console )

Piのコンソールを無効化しないと、起動時の状態によりRapiro基板がエラーコードを出し、そのコードを受けたPiがエラーを出し、ループ状態に陥るようです。 また、dualshock3でコントロールする場合も、write error で止まります。 コンソール無効化の方法...
1 comments posted by oga comment from shota.ishiwatari on 2014-03-06 00:18

Adding movements

Having done my best to look through the sample sketch, and having made small amendments, I am still struggling to understand the concept ...
1 comments posted by robsnow68 comment from shota.ishiwatari on 2014-03-05 23:51

Minor bug in RAPIRO_ver0_0.ino

Hi I've got my Rapiro up and running and have been very impressed with the quality of the parts and how easy it was to get it going (onc...
3 comments posted by Andrew_Burrows comment from shota.ishiwatari on 2014-03-05 22:05

Test Rapiro in 13.8 V power supply (So far WORKING) and Pi testing. (Update 2nd March, 2014)

I tested Rapiro with 13.8V power supply and so far it didn't give me any burning smell and everything seems working. Of course I also che...
2 comments posted by poondragon comment from poondragon on 2014-03-03 15:06