Rapiro Forum

Ask questions and share your thoughts about Rapiro.

This website was originally operationg as a forum, which has been converted into a static site. /

Raspberry Piの起動について

Raspberry PiのMIcroUSB端子から5V2Aで給電しているときにはRaspbianが立ち上がる(デスクトップが表示される)のですが、ArduinoボードからGPIO経由で電源供給しているときは、デスクトップが表示されず、SSHのリモートログインもできなくなって...
5 comments posted by hidaka_hiroji comment from oga on 2014-03-01 21:19

Once your Rapiro is built

Have just posted to my blog at http://www.locomatrix.com/ some information on how to start with the Rapiro program (things that I had to ...
2 comments posted by richardvahrman comment from lacarte on 2014-03-01 08:42

Problems with the first start

hi, when i start my rapiro, the legs turn on the left and my rapiro make noise. I try with Energizer full power and the problems is the ...
5 comments posted by anthony.morgendorffer comment from anthony.morgendorffer on 2014-02-24 07:40


ラピロを組立ててardunio にサンプルスケッチを書き込みましたが、 どうも servo をすべて つなぐと うまく初期化が出来ないのですが、 つなぐ servo を 半分にすると 初期化が出来て 正しい姿勢で止り、コマンドで半分の servo は 動きます。 原因...
1 comments posted by sadatoshi.hanazato comment from oga on 2014-02-22 13:53

Twitching issue (caused by your batteries)

Usually, Alkaline batteries do not have enough power to run all 12 servos. Please use Ni-MH batteries, for example eneloop and Energizer ...
1 comments posted by ProjectRapiro comment from RoboticParrot on 2014-02-22 05:34