Once your Rapiro is built

Have just posted to my blog at http://www.locomatrix.com/ some information on how to start with the Rapiro program (things that I had to find out and couldn't see elsewhere. Hope it is useful. Unfortunately have managed to blow him up - burning smell and then no motor movement (although still responding to the program and lights work).

posted by richardvahrman on 2014-02-24 00:38

Thanks for the extra information, in my post, i just put the poses commands from M0 to M9.

if you don't mind, i would like to update my post by adding some of your information. I will of course put a link to your blog.

By the way, I use the commands to move the limbs

but i didn't manage to change the led colors via commands yet.

I'm sorry that your motors died...

posted by djakku on 2014-02-28 10:30

Thank you for the information. I found this blog has a chart showing each servo's range. And the next post of the blog has an excel based tool to generate custom movement. It's in Japanese but at least the servo's range chart is very helpful. http://make-muda.weblike.jp/2014/02/1062/

posted by lacarte on 2014-03-01 08:42

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