Raspberry Pi Model B+

Heard about its lower power comsumption.
Any one has tried to fit it into the Rapiro?

posted by luzhuomi on 2014-07-20 11:56

We try to fit Raspberry Pi Model B+ into the Rapiro.
And I wrote Wiki page, http://wiki.rapiro.com/page/try-to-fit-bplus/ .

posted by ShinichiOhki on 2014-07-23 19:37

Thank you for sharing.

I just wonder you have done any power consumption benchmarking. i.e. with the same batteries set, the model B+ lasts longer than the model B.

posted by luzhuomi on 2014-07-23 21:49


We analyzed power consumption model B and B+ on Rapiro.
( It has only Japanese description yet.)

posted by ShinichiOhki on 2014-08-12 11:11

Thank you, a very nice wiki post!

posted by luzhuomi on 2014-08-14 22:24

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