Have trouble reading from the signal from /dev/ttyAMA0

Hi, I am following the instruction here,

I loaded oga's firmware. (it is confirmed because the "#M00" - "#M10" commands are working)
From raspberry pi's python console (With sudo), I will the following

import sys
import time
import serial
import colorsys

# config
RAPIRO_TTY = '/dev/ttyAMA0'
rapiro = serial.Serial(RAPIRO_TTY, 57600, timeout = 10)
value = 0

# version check
version = ""
while rapiro.inWaiting():
version += rapiro.read(1)

it prints nothing.

If I run a "$ sudo last -f /dev/ttyAMA0" in another terminal,
I got a error message right after the rapiro.write("#V")
last: seek failed!

Any idea?

posted by luzhuomi on 2014-07-06 10:36

Trying shutting down the Pi and using Usb to Arduino connection, I am able to read with "#A6" command. Hence it seems to be a reading problem between the Pi and Arduino.

posted by luzhuomi on 2014-07-06 14:52

After some googling, I've figured it out. Here is the step I missed out before python can read from the ttyAMA0


posted by luzhuomi on 2014-07-06 18:24

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