Servo Motors keep breaking

I have been attempting to program my Rapiro robot for a week or so now, and I have found that the servo motors break very easily. I have already had to replace the waist, right hand, and head motor. Is there anything that can be going on to make these servo motors malfunction? When I plug in the head motor now, it makes the entire robot not function. However, when I unplug it, the robot (except for the head) works.

posted by steve.cuzzi on 2014-06-20 23:18


> When I plug in the head motor now, it makes the entire robot not function.
> However, when I unplug it, the robot (except for the head) works.

How is going on when you would swap the head servo and the waist servo?


posted by shota.ishiwatari on 2014-06-25 13:59

Hello Shota,

When I swap the head servo and the waist servo, the robot still does not function unless i unplug the head servo. I have performed multiple tests on the robot, and it seems that the head servo is the ultimate problem. I just would like to know why these servo motors are so fragile, because this is the third servo motor I am going to have to replace.

Thank you,


posted by steve.cuzzi on 2014-06-25 22:47

Sorry for the late reply. We have a contact address for reporting initial defects.

If you think this is caused by the controller board, please report this issue to the mail address. If you do so, then we can send a replacement board.

When you send mail to the address, please let us know following information.

* Where did you bought the Rapiro Kit.
* Your name
* Your address
* URL of this page

posted by on 2014-07-03 15:07

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