Raspberry and rapiro

Hello have maybe a fool question but I want to understand how to configure rapiro with raspberry. I read this tutorial:


Now I understand all commands but the question to see how I write that commands I need to connect the raspberry to Monitor? Or how configure each command described there because I guess the raspberry pi must be connected to rapiro and if I need to connect a monitor I need to disarm the head or how is the process.
Thank you

posted by coerrace on 2014-05-01 12:08

Do you mean you want to connect display to RasPi?
How about ethernet or wifi connection to control RasPi.

posted by ken.suzuki on 2014-05-01 14:35

Ohh ok then first I need to configure the raspberry pi to wifi normally and then wifi remote.
Thank you

posted by coerrace on 2014-05-01 20:59

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