PSD sensor

Hello someone can tell me in what pins of the raspberry or where I need to connect the PSD sensor in rapiro? I bought the Infrared GP2Y0A21YK or if someone have a scheme or diagram or link to help.
Thank you

posted by coerrace on 2014-04-23 09:59

Here is an article shows how.

posted by on 2014-04-23 10:04

Ok thank you. I have another question I want to connect an amplifier to rapiro with raspberry this specific:

Now in this tutorial in almost at the end of the article is shown how is connected the rapsberry, the camera module and the cable of rapiro connected to the GPIO headers now that cable of rapire takes the goltage from GPIO I guess now any suggestion in how to supoly power to my amplifier considering the rapiro is takingbthe place of GPIO port? This is the picture where is shown the GPIO port connected to the cable of rapiro:

And another question close where the sensor is needed to sold in rapiro board there is another not solded soace called I2C what is for or what can rapiro do with that?

Thank you

posted by coerrace on 2014-04-23 11:25

I'm also putting the very same amplifier into rapiro. How did you solve the power supply from the GPIO pins when the cable from Rapiro board occupies the pins?

posted by MontyOnTheRun on 2014-09-13 21:56

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